Duhovi muzike Dead Can Dance


Dead Can Dance je australijki world bend koji je nastao 1981 godine, stalni članovi ovog izuzetnog benda su Brendan Perry i Lisa Gerrard. Ostali članovi su Paul Erikson bas gitara, Simon Monroe bubnjevi, James Pinker, Scott Rodger bubnjevi, Peter Ulrich bubnjevi, timpani.

Ime benda je nastalo po fotografiji ritualne maske na prvom albumu. DCD su izabralil masku sa Gvineje.

Kratka diskografija

                                                                            Dead Can Dance (1984)


 Ovaj album je njihov prvenac i album koji ce pokazati u kojem pravcu Dead can će se kretati, naravno i sama muzika ima sonične domete toga vremena 1984 godine.

Sa ovog aluma predstavicemo pesmu The Arcane

A zatim i reči pesme da moze da se prati i pevanje.

The Arcane

Here in the garden of the arcane delights,

dark shadows overwhelm us and we become blind.

Blind to the needs of those who would be free

from the grip of fear and the prisons of the mind.

Amidst the throes of perplexity

Phobia moves amongst us, in her hand is held the seed.

Extermination angel stood beside the road

in violent retribution for the seeds that we have sown.


Drugi album koji je drugačiji i po stilu i po pevanju – ovde grupa ulazi  u period zrelosti u odnosu na prvi album, muzikalniji a i neverovatan glas Lise Gerrard ovde dolazi do izrazaja.

Spleen and Ideal (1985)

+Zato je odabrana pesma pesma De Profundis

De Profundis (out of the depths of sorrow)

I samo pet reci u pesmi    

Embrace the love so fair

Treci njihov album izuzetno melalohican, snaznih emocija, i ritmican ali i zanimljiv

Within the Realm of a Dying Sun (1987)

Pesma koja je odabrana je Cantara

 The Serpent’s Egg (1988)

Cevrti album po redu po stilu neo klasicana i renesansna muzika koja je jasna prethodnica njihovog sledeceg albuma, vrhunsko izvodjeje ovih pesama je samo jedna od prednosti ovog albuma

Pesma koja je odabrana je Host of Seraphim i to uzivo da vidi a i cuje kvalitet izvodjenja

                                                             Aion (1990)

 Peti album po redu izuzetno zreo sa renesansnom muzikom multi glasovnom formom, ovo treba cuti,

Ovde ce biti predstavljene dve pesme Saltarello – najpoznatija pesma renesanse.

i Black Sun


A evo i teksta pesme

Black Sun

Murder! Man on fire.

Murder! I’ve seen the eyes of the living dead.

It’s the same old game. Survival.

The great mass play a waiting game.

Embalmed, crippled, dying in fear of pain, all sense of freedom gone.

Black sun in a white world.

Like having a black son in a white world.

I have a son, his name is Eden.

It’s his birthright beyond estranged times.

Give me 69 years, another season in this hell.

It’s all sex and death as far as eyes can tell.

Like Prometheus we are bound.

Chained to this rock of a brave new world.

Our god forsaken lot.

And I feel that’s all we have ever needed to know until worlds end and the seas run cold

Give me 69 years, another season in this hell.

There is sex and death in mother natures plans.

Into the Labyrinth (1993)


 Sesti album po redu koji se razlikuje od proslog spirituanom muzikom gde se mesaju mnogi stilovi muzike pomesane sa njihovim glasovima sa puno emocija u pevanju i ne sa toliko melaholije, i sta reci za fantastican glas Lise Gerrard u pesmi Yulunga NEPONOVLJIVO.

Pesma koja je odabrana je Yulunga The spirit dance

                                               Spiritchaser (1996)


 Sedmi album po redu sam omot opisuje muziku na ovom album ali drugacijeg stila muzike

Pesma koju cemo odabrti je Nierika

                                                     Anastasis (2012)

Posle senaestest godina osmi album po redu na neki nacin apsolviranje svih predjasnih albuma sa novom energijom i vrhuncem u svakom pogledu

Pesme koje cemo odabrati su Agape

i Anabasis l


Bilo je tu i nekoliko kompilacija a to su:

A Pasage in time (1991)

Dve pesme koje su samo na ovom albumu je Bird i Spirit


A evo teksta pesme


I thought I’d found a reason to live

Just like before when I was a child

Only to find dreams made of sand

Would just fall apart and slip through my hands

But the spirit of life keeps us strong

And the spirit of life is the will to carry on

Adversity what have I done to you

To cause this reclusive silence

That has come between me and you

And the spirit of life remains in light

And the spirit of life remains inside

I never thought it would be quite like this

Living outside of mutual bliss

But as long as the veins in our arm still stand up

The spirit of life will keep living on

                          Toward the within Live (1994)

Sa nekim starim a i pesmama koje su samo na ovom albumu a to su Rakim, Persian love song, zatim Desert song, Piece for solo flute, I can see now, American dreaming, Oman, zatim Tristan, Sanvean i dont go away

Rakim je pesma koju cemo odabrati

                                                      WAKE (2003)


Ova kompilacija sadrzi dva diska i cak 26 pesama

                                     Live Happenings I – IV (2011)


 Kao sto i naslov govori, samo uzivo, cist kvalitet

Evo jedne pesme sa tog albuma Compassion

                                            In Concert (2013)

  best of ali na koncertu

Evo jedne pesme Children of the sun

Interjvju Brendan Perry-ja i Lise Gerrard

Zakljucna rec je rec Brendana Perry-ja “Nobody make music like us it unique”